虚拟实验室-Unreal 版本

虚拟实验室的Unreal 版本,第一个版本主要是以《探究通电螺线管外部的磁场分布》颗粒为例,设计和开发一个正式版本。


<table> <thead> <tr> <th>作者</th> <th>QFord</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>更新日期</td> <td>2024-9-3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>版本</td> <td>V1.0.0</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h1>工程分支</h1> <p>美术资源工程的elements分支</p> <h1>导出效果图</h1> <p><img src="https://www.showdoc.com.cn/server/api/attachment/visitFile?sign=cac4d65ac91203edf802a320b47f9c70&amp;amp;file=file.png" alt="" /></p> <h1>器材转换和制作对比</h1> <p>转换的错误效果: <img src="https://www.showdoc.com.cn/server/api/attachment/visitFile?sign=1a9ae0caffab0e8c5c9a61222a156fb6&amp;amp;file=file.png" alt="" /></p> <p>制作的正确效果: <img src="https://www.showdoc.com.cn/server/api/attachment/visitFile?sign=975ea3d0a120c145372887f7a7f92036&amp;amp;file=file.png" alt="" /></p> <h1>导出结论</h1> <p>涉及到的17个器材,转换后的表现基本都有问题,需要通过原始资源重新处理。</p> <p>主要问题:</p> <ol> <li>模型部分缺失</li> <li>导出的模型不匹配</li> <li>材质问题</li> </ol> <p>解决方案:还是得通过原始资源来生产器材的蓝图类</p> <h1>Unity端导出错误日志</h1> <h1>Unreal端导入错误日志</h1> <p>筛选Error日志:</p> <p>UTU: Error: Asset Name: soft_new UTU: Error: Unreal Asset Relative Filename: /Game/LabResources/Commons/Texture/soft_new UTU: Error: Source File Fullname: D:/artelementresourcecheck/U3DProject/Assets/LabResources/Commons/Texture/soft_new.cubemap UTU: Error: Failed to create new Texture UTU: Error: Potential Causes: UTU: Error: - Invalid Texture File : Make sure that the texture file is a supported format by trying to import it manually in Unreal. UTU: Error: Asset skipped. UTU: Error: Asset Name: 2 UTU: Error: Unreal Asset Relative Filename: /Game/LabResources/Commons/Texture/2 UTU: Error: Source File Fullname: D:/artelementresourcecheck/U3DProject/Assets/LabResources/Commons/Texture/2.cubemap UTU: Error: Failed to create new Texture UTU: Error: Potential Causes: UTU: Error: - Invalid Texture File : Make sure that the texture file is a supported format by trying to import it manually in Unreal. UTU: Error: Asset skipped. UTU: Error: Asset Name: HuoChaiHe_Morpher UTU: Error: Unreal Asset Relative Filename: /Game/LabResources/Elements/HuoChaiHeElement/Model/HuoChaiHe_Morpher UTU: Error: Source File Fullname: D:/artelementresourcecheck/U3DProject/Assets/LabResources/Elements/HuoChaiHeElement/Model/HuoChaiHe_Morpher.FBX UTU: Error: Failed to create new SkeletalMesh UTU: Error: Potential Causes: UTU: Error: - Invalid FBX : Make sure that the Fbx file is valid by trying to import it manually in Unreal. UTU: Error: Asset skipped. UTU: Error: Asset Name: NieZi_mesh UTU: Error: Unreal Asset Relative Filename: /Game/LabResources/Elements/NieZiElement/Model/NieZi_mesh UTU: Error: Source File Fullname: D:/artelementresourcecheck/U3DProject/Assets/LabResources/Elements/NieZiElement/Model/NieZi.mesh.asset UTU: Error: Failed to create new SkeletalMesh UTU: Error: Potential Causes: UTU: Error: - Invalid FBX : Make sure that the Fbx file is valid by trying to import it manually in Unreal. UTU: Error: Asset skipped. UTU: Error: Asset Name: NieZi_mesh_220219032350 UTU: Error: Unreal Asset Relative Filename: /Game/LabResources/Elements/NieZiElement/Model/NieZi_mesh_220219032350 UTU: Error: Source File Fullname: D:/artelementresourcecheck/U3DProject/Assets/LabResources/Elements/NieZiElement/Model/NieZi.mesh_220219032350.asset UTU: Error: Failed to create new SkeletalMesh UTU: Error: Potential Causes: UTU: Error: - Invalid FBX : Make sure that the Fbx file is valid by trying to import it manually in Unreal. UTU: Error: Asset skipped. UTU: Error: Asset Name: NieZi_QiaoJiDan_Anim UTU: Error: Unreal Asset Relative Filename: /Game/LabResources/Elements/NieZiElement/Animation/NieZi_QiaoJiDan_Anim UTU: Error: Source File Fullname: D:/artelementresourcecheck/U3DProject/Assets/LabResources/Elements/NieZiElement/Animation/NieZi_QiaoJiDan.anim UTU: Error: Failed to create new Animation UTU: Error: Potential Causes: UTU: Error: - Invalid FBX : Make sure that the Fbx file is valid by trying to import it manually in Unreal. UTU: Error: Asset skipped. UTU: Error: Error Count: 4</p> <h2>错误总结</h2> <h3>Invalid Texture File</h3> <p>源文件: D:/artelementresourcecheck/U3DProject/Assets/LabResources/Commons/Texture/soft_new.cubemap Invalid Texture File : Make sure that the texture file is a supported format by trying to import it manually in Unreal.</p> <h3>Failed to create new SkeletalMesh</h3> <p>源文件:D:/artelementresourcecheck/U3DProject/Assets/LabResources/Elements/HuoChaiHeElement/Model/HuoChaiHe_Morpher.FBX Invalid FBX : Make sure that the Fbx file is valid by trying to import it manually in Unreal.</p> <h3>Failed to create new Animation</h3> <p>源文件:D:/artelementresourcecheck/U3DProject/Assets/LabResources/Elements/NieZiElement/Animation/NieZi_QiaoJiDan.anim Invalid FBX : Make sure that the Fbx file is valid by trying to import it manually in Unreal.</p>
