AI Audio File Creation
<h3>Operating Steps:</h3>
<h4>1、Find the ffmpeg directory first</h4>
<p><img src=";sign=87014b0a1acdffb3c160b4d899d09356" alt="" /></p>
<h4>2、Use the shortcut key windows + R to open the run box, type cmd, pop up the command inputter</h4>
<p>cd followed by the file path</p>
<p><img src=";sign=3f0aff327929130e990045dd39ec71d7" alt="" /></p>
<h4>3、Input command conversion</h4>
<p><strong>bin\ffmpeg -i tts\AI_FACE.mp3 -f s16le -ar 8000 -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 1 tts2\AI_FACE.pcm</strong></p>
<p>bin\ffmpeg: ffmpeg under bin file
tts\AI_FACE.mp3:The directory and name of the file to be converted
-f s16le:Mandatory file format
ar 8000: Sampling rate is 8000
-acodec pcm_s16be:Output pcm format, using signed 16 encoding, byte order is big end (small end is le)
-ac 1: mono
tts2\AI_FACE.pcm:Converted file and directory</p>
<h4>4、Converted successfully</h4>
<p><img src=";sign=dcee9f48778a119b51dd960ddaf37603" alt="" /></p>
<p><img src=";sign=9401527e8fbc4b5994cac0a66dfbae7e" alt="" /></p>