14 首页弹窗数据
&quot;code&quot;: 1,
&quot;info&quot;: &quot;success&quot;,
&quot;data&quot;: [
&quot;id&quot;: 1,
&quot;key&quot;: &quot;message_team_join&quot;,
&quot;title&quot;: &quot;Congratulations !!&quot;,
&quot;content&quot;: &quot;Your application to join **** have been approved, Now you a member of them.&quot;,
&quot;status&quot;: 1
&quot;id&quot;: 2,
&quot;key&quot;: &quot;message_team_create&quot;,
&quot;title&quot;: &quot;Rejected&quot;,
&quot;content&quot;: &quot;Sorry,Your application to Creat the Shop **** have been Rejected, Pls talk to 'App service’ to get help, and apply again. Reject reason: You shop have applied before. you can't appy again within 1 month&quot;,
&quot;status&quot;: 2
<p><img src="https://www.showdoc.com.cn/server/api/attachment/visitFile?sign=dc2cdac42821b6f8f951a63106441f73&amp;file=file.png" alt="" /></p>